PUBG Titles List || Most Common Title In PUBG Mobile

 How To Get Most Common Title in PUBG Mobile

How To Get Most Common Title in PUBG Mobile

As you may already know, PUBG Mobile is a popular game that's predominantly played on mobile devices and PCs. While it's similar to other games, it has become increasingly entwined with our emotions. As you're aware, there are various titles in PUBG Mobile, some of which are easier to obtain than others.

As you're aware, I'm currently working on an article discussing PUBG Mobile achievements. Following a recent article, numerous people have commented and texted me on Instagram, seeking guidance on obtaining the most common titles in PUBG Mobile.

In this article, we will discuss the most popular titles in PUBG Mobile and how to achieve them easily. While PUBG Mobile offers a plethora of titles, we will focus on the most commonly held titles and the relatively uncomplicated method to acquire them.

Most Common Titles In PUBG Mobile

#1 Overachiever

  • If you earn 2800 achievement point, Then you will get this title.

If you have already completed the second small and easy achievements but haven't yet accumulated 2800 achievement points, my previous article highlighted a hidden achievement. By accomplishing this hidden achievement, you can reach 2800 achievement points and subsequently acquire the corresponding title.

#2 Well Liked

  • If you earn a total 1000 likes on your PUBG Profile, Then you will get this title.

The most straightforward means of achieving this title is to participate in the squad for a period of two to three days. Once your squad completes their last match, inform them that they should eliminate you. Following this course of action, you should secure the title within two to three days.

#3 Free Chicken Dinner

  • If you win a solo classic match with 0 Elimination in platinum tier or above, Then you will get this title.

The most straightforward method of obtaining the Free Chicken Dinner Title is to team up with a player from the same country or who speaks the same language as you. You can inform them of your goal, and together, you can easily secure the title. In scenarios where you are not matched with players from your country or language, you can opt to camp until the end of the game and team up with the last enemy to obtain the title.

Note: Your solo rank tier must be Platinum or above.

#4 Sharpshooter

If you eliminate 3 enemies with headshot 50 meter away in a row, while in a solo classic match in platinum tier or above, then you will get this title.

#5 Chicken Expert

If you win a solo classic match in the following ways while in a platinum tier or above, Then you will get this title.

👉 Use SMG to deal the final blow and win a match.
👉 Use Pistol to deal the final blow and win a match.
👉 Use Light Machine Gun to deal the final blow and win a match.
👉 Use Sniper Rifles to deal the final blow and win a match.
👉 Use Assault Rifles(AR) to deal the final blow and win a match.
👉 Use Shotgun to deal the final blow and win a match.
👉 Use Melee Weapon to deal the final blow and win a match.
👉 Use Crossbow to deal the final blow and win a match.
👉 Use Vehicles to deal the final blow and win a match.
👉 Use Throwable to deal the final blow and win a match.

#6 Weapon Master

If you complete all the following eliminations in a classic match in Platinum tier or above, Then you will get this title.

👉 Eliminate an enemy with vehicle.
👉 Eliminate an enemy with Throable.
👉 Eliminate an enemy with Sniper Rifles.
👉 Eliminate an enemy with Assault Rifles.
👉 Eliminate an enemy with shotguns.
👉 Eliminate an enemy with SMG.

Achieving the "weapon master" title in PUBG Mobile is among the most challenging titles. It necessitates the cooperation of your squad to win. If you have a skilled group, obtaining the title should require a maximum of two attempts. 

You must communicate with your squad and request that they collect the specific weapon you need. Once engaged with a bot or opponent, retrieve the weapon from your teammate and eliminate the enemy.

#7 On a Mission 

If you complete following 6 mastery, Then you will get this title.

👉 Assault Mastery
👉 Sniper Mastery
👉 Shotgun Mastery
👉 SMG Mastery
👉 Melee Mastery
👉 Pistol Mastery

#8 Warehouse

If you complete any 2 mastery of the following, Then you will get this title.

👉 Assault Mastery
👉 Sniper Mastery
👉 Shotgun Mastery
👉 SMG Mastery
👉 Melee Mastery
👉 Pistol Mastery

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